Company Training

It is worthwhile and more effective to book an outside trainer for specific challenges or particular themes. Consider this; how would you like to hire a trainer who can document years of practice and success?

Your expectations:

  • Company training and counsel are possible over longer periods of time.
  • The ability to recognize and name a company’s weaknesses, in order to suggest new holistic solutions for growth and change.
  • New perspectives and incentives for your company’s organisations or workshops.
  • A special guest, who is knowledgeable with the challenges of network marketing. A guest who is familiar with the daily company challenges from his own successful experiences. And a guest who authentically relays the most important tips for you.
  • A Coach who communicates on your company level.
  • Train the Trainer; A teacher who will train, (on or off line), your instructors to speak with confidence on stage,

I offer you these package deals and a lot more. Test me.
A ship’s captain repeatedly checks his course, in the most efficient way, in order to reach his destination. You are the captain. And I am your secure GPS navigation system, who will guide you directly and effectively to your goals.

Our Company’s Offers and prices:

Webinar & Conference Calls:
For your company or team, book me as a guest speaker in Webinar.
Speaking time: 30-60 minutes
Price: € 1000,-

Company Events or Team Training:
My 16 years of experience is your advantage in creating successful company events or intensive team trainings.
Time: flexible, 1 – 3 hours
Estimated Price: € 6000, – expenses not included.

All bookings, whether its internal team trainings, webinar or company events must be prepaid.

Please fill out the contact form in the lower half of my Website,
or send me an email:

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