Figuratively speaking, all my seminars are based on these pillars. We work our way from the physical level to the sales and success seminar, up to the material level and finally to the All in One Seminar. It entails the complete Go4Values Path, which you may choose to follow, and will make a huge difference in your life. But still, each individual can stop and remain at a level that happens to feel just right.
1. The seminary for putting to action the physical level: Money − and Career
2. The Values & Success Seminar, physical, mental and emotional level: Success, money and fulfillment.
3. Clarity and Structure Seminar, physical, mental, emotional and energy levels: Conscientiously building a gratifying success.
4. I recommend participating in a seminar on the Values and Success, or Clarity and Structure, which can be followed up with a three day intensive coaching with me in Releasing the Strongest Blockades.
5. All in One, energetic and spiritual level: Summary of the meaning of life: Not everyone arrives instantly and automatically at the 5th pillar, or better said: doesn’t automatically pass through each one of them.
It’s really not necessary for each one’s life plan. Many have already gained a lot by confronting the first three pillars; and this begins with the first pillar. This is all a process which under certain circumstances, and according to the willingness and knowledge, can take several years or even an entire life. I’ve been dealing intensively with this for the last 17 years, and still can’t claim that it’s all behind me and I know it all. That would be quite presumptuous of me and very arrogant. I did, though, get a lot of answers to my questions. However, the more answers I receive, the more humble I become, for it becomes increasingly clearer, how incredibly limited we humans, in our knowledge, are − and how far behind we are within our range. As sad as that sometimes makes me feel, I love the confrontation anyway. I’m forever thankful over the smallest progress, where I can learn more and more about the world and mankind, and its connections as a whole.