Past Accomplishments

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Hello, my name is, Daniela Claudia Szasz, and I advise managers, leaders and entrepreneurs from companies and businesses how you:- Authentically bring in profitable returns, while impressing your customers with a self-confident and convincing representation.

My Motto is:

To inspire through, values & authentic competence! My knowledge stems from 20 years of experience. I learned from the best of the best and developed, over the years, my own personal success concept.

As a result of my continually enterprise successes, I am today an independent trainer and consultant for companies, network and businesses in national and international corporations.

As a personal development trainer for company events, management courses and motivation seminars, I’ve impressed every audience with my clear, charming, versatile, and competent style.

My Customers are:

  1. Single coaching for Entrepreneur.
  2. Quality representation development programs for your employees.
  3. Independent business owners, whose goal is to reach top incomes, develop professionally further, personal development or start new careers.
  4. Companies, who periodically ask for my advice and book me for their team training programs, in order to raise the team spirit, as well as training managers to put their schooling to successful use.

If you are following the goal, to accomplish as a whole; take now the first step. Download my Go4Values Ebook- advisor for free and register for the next “Values & Success” Seminar, or simply book me for your next company event.

I’m looking forward to meeting you soon.

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