
daniela-szaszIn network marketing and everyday businesses you will often be confronted with situations and questions, in which companies seek an honest opinion and neutral support. You may receive this through your online business partner or from your private advisors. Frequently the perspective is unclear, and unsatisfactory answers are the results, leaving you with open questions and unproductive suggestions.

My coaching encompasses the entire situation. Business, as well as private success goes often hand in hand. In most cases, if you fix one side, then the other side will flow more easily.

This is what I offer you:

  • Professional Coaching to reach your goals.
  • Careers, aiming high and earning money.
  • Coaching for your own personal growth.
  • Your life will reach new levels if you are willing to face your fears and your self. If you are willing to confront them, I’ll be happy to support and accompany you.
  • In addition, I use supportive methods from the Resonanzdiagnostik and Information Field Medicine from TimeWavers. These help discover the original problems and the connections we experience in our life time. A detailed view, behind life’s stage, is often quite worthwhile.

Per telephone or Skype:
You would like regular or spontaneous telephone advice? It’s possible to book my service hourly.

Time: 45 Minutes
Price: 175,- per hour

  • Resonanzdiagnostik – per telefon or personally:

If you want to delve into the origins of your problems in order to understand how they link; then book a TimeWaver Sitting. A detailed insight, behind the stages of your life, is often rewarding.

Time: about 90 Minutes
Price: 290,- includes a 30 day improvement program.

  • Daily private Coaching

Would you like to meet me personally and spend the day together, either alone or with your partner? To personally review your private situation, I would be glad to spend about eight hours with you.

Time: about 6-8 hours
Price: 970,-

  • Intensive Coaching – 3 ½ days

Time: about 6 to 8 hours per day
Price: 2500,- €

If you seriously want to examine your personal problems and you’re ready to delve intensely into the heart of the matter, then book 3 1/2 days intense single-coaching, in order to find your path to success.

If interested, contact me through the contact form in the lower half of my webpage, or send an email to:

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