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This seminar is the best I’ve ever participated in. I recommend it to every person, who truly wants to advance in life. I will be attending further schoolings. Many thanks – Karin
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Dear Dani, at this time, my “bowl” is totally rotating! The seminar showed me, that I presently haven’t any clear vision, as to what I really want. I have been functioning for 52 years, just the way other expected me to do. Thanks to you, you have shaken me up, and I may have to work on it for several years! Now with 53 + years, I am finally making a slow start to adulthood. Actually I yearn to be in puberty.
Best regards, Michael M. – business man
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Dear Daniela, first of all thank you very much for the very private and fantastic seminar in Austria. (Modified, because of the length). The 2 ½ days impressed me greatly. I was also impressed how you come across as a person. The way you put a lot of thought in your words and what you say is so sincere. You live what you preach. People are truly important to you. And you have given them and me many practical tools to work with. It’s wonderful that there’s a trainer, who besides business and network marketing experience, understands deep human connections. With that you set yourself apart from the masses of superficial trainers.
I wish you continuous success. Keep it up.
Hakan C. – Top Management[/column]
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Dear Daniela, this was an extraordinary intensive seminary for me. I never expected to be occupied with myself for 3 days. A sensational experience to realize that much in my life has passed me by. (Modified, because of the length.) Daniela, many thanks for showing myself in the mirror, for opening my eyes and for awakening my senses.
Thank you! Annette B.M. – Independent Business woman
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The Seminary clarified many things for me; what I believed to be my values, and what really my true values are. What are the things I stand for in order to live a fulfilled life, and what is important to me. What is my function in society and what gives me happiness in life. This was my first seminar with Daniela, and not my last one. It’s a schooling on life.
Thank you.
Nick- Programmer[/column]
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Dear Dany, Values & Success => what’s behind it? I was filled with a burning curiosity. I was familiar with the way you presented seminaries from attending a company seminar. It was absolutely clear to me, if I should ever want to get involved with this topic, then only with you. Reflecting for three days and working on myself – well, the opportunity came around at the perfect time. Now I’m sure I am taking the right path.
- (Modified, because of the length)
Thank you for allowing me to focus on myself. I’m not finished yet, but will most definitely come again.
A fat thank you . Elke F. – Manager
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Dear Daniela, I thank you, from my whole heart, for this seminar. The way I feel today, is that I am not yet able to measure and take in account everything I have learned, as well as putting it to present use. You often showed me the mirror, and most importantly showed me what is possible when I have clarity and believe in myself; especially trust my own actions. (Modified, because of the length.) I hope that you stay as you are and continue to inspire every individual to live their life.
Love and a warm hug . Natalie P. Top Manager
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Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I was totally surprised, for I didn’t know I could expect; clear guidance right down to discovering my weaknesses and illusions. I could immediately work out many of these things. I am sure that a great deal from this, and the fact that I was willing to accept the impulses, will be solved and changed. Clarity and consequential were the results of my feelings. I was surprised that I obviously wasn’t aware of my own values. (Modified, because of the length).
Thank you dear Dani – Frank F.
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Dear Dany! Also this seminar has guided me, a big step forward, in my personal development. I have been taking a look at the things that I have preferred to cover up. To feel what is tucked under my “thick” skin has hurt me. But you have accompanied and guided me through this pain and I continue with confidence within, that everything is as it should be and that I am approaching a wonderful life. I am looking extremely forward to our intensive 3 ½ days , and can’t thank you enough. You are priceless.
In deep loyalty – Silvia H. – Entrepreneur
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Dearest Dani, I thank you with my whole heart for the 3 intensive and eye opening days of training. My deepest thanks, that I was able to near ME so much closer. That I was able to experience WHO I AM. After 10 years of seminar teachings in similar topics, I finally have the feeling that I have arrived through you, as the coach who recognized ME, and with whom I have THOROUGHLY CLEARED my blockades. I am setting my own pace and within a short period of time have arrived at breaking through insights. Thank you for your clarity, your wisdom, and for your “already seen” and professional guidance. Many thanks for your comforting and clear questions and feedbacks. The weekend over triumphed my intentions and wishes, and with an excited anticipation, I’m looking forward to the next coaching with YOU. It will be an awesome 2013, and I’m looking forward to THAT, who I AM. Thank you that you have supported me with so much clarity and joy, while revealing my potentials. FINALLY !!! I embrace you in a forever thankfulness. Kathrin K :-)[/column]