What has happened up to now?

It’s not possible to describe an exciting life in a few words. But still I would like to share, in the following sentences, the ups and downs of my career’s path to success.


  • I was 17 when I arrived in Germany, with nothing but the clothes on my back.
  • In the beginning I had tremendous language and integration problems.
  • Several years, I worked successfully in publishing and as a photo model. During this time I learned a lot about being independent.
  • When I was 22, I went through insolvency with a family business. That was a turning point in my life, and the beginning of a new challenge.
  • At 23, I started network marketing in a large American company. I didn’t know anything about network marketing; but I had a dream.
  • I fulfilled my dream at the age of 27. I became the youngest President (in career planning) in the European affiliate.
  • By building a team of thousands business partners, I reached the annual Annual sales of over EUR 3.500.000.- My monthly income earnings over 30.000 Euros.
  • By the time I was 30 years old, I had travelled the world and got to know and value many countries and the mentality of their people.
  • The following two years I developed an international special project for the company, „the Gen H Project“ which supported young entrepreneurs.
  • January 2008 I started work at Company PM International. Within 6 months, I once again reached the level of International President’s Team this time as the fastest rising and at the same time, youngest woman of the entire company.
  • 2011; I advanced to the Gold Presidents Team Level, as the fastest rising Sales Partner in the history of the company. I became a part of the Top 10 international Leaders in the companie, and with my 6000 team partners, reached an annual turnover of about 5 million Euros.
  • Internationally, I gathered experience and success in MLM and Network Marketing and helped many people find their success as well.
  • I’ve lived and worked in different countries. Amongst other professions, I’ve worked as a trainer and guest speaker within Europe: Italy, Turkey, Rumanian, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, France, Poland, Tschechien, as well as Asia, USA and Australia.
  • Over 14 years I completed, on a regular basis, courses in various subjects. To name just a few: rhetoric, communication, marketing, personal business management, personal development, team management and leadership. Two of these years were spent in Asia, USA and Canada.
  • I’ve been active, as an independent company, personal development, success and business trainer, for more than four years now. I’ve led my own Go4Value series of seminaries, coached numerous TOP Leaders and Executives in various companies, and during this time, published three books. In addition, I’ve supported, within the last three years, TOP Leaders, (which can be substantiated), with my methods and have increased their turnover to more than 200%.
  • Currently i am very happy to have been appointed as CEO of Buyezee LLC, an exciting, cutting edge company that promises to deliver on digital innovation, opportunity and wealth. Having been in this role from an early stage, I have been able to help shape the company, advising on a wide range of issues from the marketing plan, strategys and consulting, through to features in the back office. I am looking for this new challenge in my Life next to my own Go4Values – Training & Coaching Business.

My success story has, by far, not ended here; – for it will continue together with you. .:)


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